2025 Little League Rulebook Significant Updates
Baseball, Softball, and Challenger – Regulation I(c): Updates made to Regulation 1(c) 8 & 9 [6 & 7 in Challenger] to require all background checks to be conducted through J.D. Palatine (JDP), with no other providers being accepted.
Baseball, Softball, and Challenger – Regulation I(c): Updates made to Regulation 1(c) 10 [8 in Challenger] to require all individuals who complete the volunteer application to complete the required annual abuse awareness training through the Little League Abuse Awareness Course, available at LittleLeague.org/AbuseAwareness. Please note that the Child Protection Program has been updated for the 2025 season. Please review all updates at LittleLeague.org/ChildProtection.
Baseball, Softball, and Challenger – Regulation II: Updates made to Regulation II to reflect that starting with the 2025 season, children at the youngest level of the program (League Age 4-7) will have the ability to register for any program they choose, without respect to any geography- or school-related eligibility requirements. Those players who register under this option will also be fully eligible to participate in all aspects of league play, including International Tournament play, for the duration of their Little League careers provided they have continuous and unbroken participation within the specific league where initially registered and provided all other participation eligibility requirements have been met. Additional information regarding this change may be found at LittleLeague.org/2025Registration.
Baseball and Softball – Regulation IV(i) – Mandatory Play for Senior League: Eliminates Mandatory Play for the Senior League Division only in Baseball and Softball. Softball – Regulation VI(d) – Number of Pitchers Used in a Game: Removes the restriction on the number of pitchers that a team can use in one game in the Little League (Major), Junior, and Senior League Divisions.
Baseball, Softball, and Challenger – Rule 1.10 – A.R. 2 [1 in Challenger] – Alterations or Modifications made to the Bat: Clarifies that products, such as, but not limited to, choke-knobs, choke-up assists, or thumb protectors are considered alterations to the bat and are not permitted.
Softball – Rule 1.11(a)(3) – Pitcher’s Undershirt: Clarifies that any part of the pitcher’s undershirt or T-Shirt exposed to view cannot be the same color of the ball being used in the game.
Baseball – Rule 1.11(a)(3) – Neoprene Sleeves: Permits neoprene sleeves to be worn without being covered by an undershirt, provided the neoprene sleeve is a solid color and not white or gray.
Baseball, Softball, and Challenger – Rule 1.11(j) – Jewelry: Removes Rule 1.11(j) [1.11(d) in Challenger] to remove the requirement that jewelry, other than medical alert, should be removed, permitting jewelry to be worn.
Softball – Rule 1.15(c) – Items Worn on the Hands or Wrists: Clarifies that a pitcher may wear items on the glove hand, wrist, or arm (non-pitching arm) of a solid single color, provided it is not the same color as the ball being used in the game.
Baseball, Softball, and Challenger – Rule 1.16 – Helmet Stickers: Permits the use of helmet stickers or decals, provided that such usage is not excessive, is not offensive, and does not make inappropriate references, such as that to drugs or alcohol.
Baseball and Softball – Rule 2.00 – At-Bat (NOTE 1 and NOTE 2): Clarifies that when using the continuous batting order, players do not need to meet the running portion of mandatory play.
Baseball and Softball – Rule 2.00 – Courtesy Runner, Rule 3.04, Rule 7.14(b), and Tournament Rule 3(d): This change provides clarifications for using a courtesy runner with both the traditional batting order and the continuous batting order. It also clarifies that when using the continuous batting order, the offense may use a courtesy runner for both the pitcher and catcher of record at the same time when there are two outs.
Baseball, Softball, and Challenger – Rule 3.01 – Pregame Equipment Inspection: Removes the requirement for umpires to check equipment prior to the start of the game by placing responsibility for legal and proper equipment on the manager.
Softball – Regulation VI(c), Rule 3.03(c), Tournament Rule 4(c), Tournament Rule 4(d), Tournament Rule 9(a), and Tournament Rule 10(c) – Pitchers Removed from the Circle: This change allows a pitcher who has been removed from the circle to return as pitcher regardless of whether he/she moves to a different defensive position or the bench.
Baseball – Regulation VI(b), Rule 3.03(c), 8.06(b)-Note, Tournament Rule 4(c), Tournament Rule 9(a), and Tournament Rule 10(h) – Pitchers Moving to a Different Defensive Position Once Removed from the Mound: Provides consistency and clarification in the wording that a pitcher, in the Intermediate (50/70) Division/Junior/Senior Baseball, remaining on defense in the game but moving to a different defensive position, can return as a pitcher anytime in the remainder of the game, but only once per game. To return as pitcher, once removed from the mound, the player must remain in the game defensively.
Baseball and Softball – Rule 3.17 – Electronic Devices: This change permits a team to use one-way communication to the catcher while the team is on defense.
Baseball and Softball – Rule 6.06(d) – Use of an Illegal Bat: This change updates the penalty for the usage of an illegal bat as listed in 6.06(d) to remain consistent with the penalty included in the change to Rule 3.01.
Baseball – Rule 7.15(g) – Procedures for the Use of a Double First Base: Makes the wording of 7.15(g) consistent with the wording provided in the Softball Rulebook for the same rule.
Softball – Rule 8.02(a)(1) – Approved Substances on the Pitching Hand or Fingers: Clarifies nonapproved substances on the pitching hand or fingers versus the use of approved substances under the judgement of the umpire.
Baseball and Softball – Tournament Rule 3 – Playing Rules (Pregame Equipment Inspection): Removes the requirement for umpires to check equipment prior to the start of the game by placing responsibility for legal and proper equipment on the manager.
Baseball and Softball – Tournament Rule 14 – Tie Game: This change eliminates playing the seventh inning (Intermediate/Junior/Senior League: eighth inning) as normal. Now, the tiebreaker will begin immediately in the seventh inning (Intermediate/Junior/Senior League: eighth inning) by placing the player who is scheduled to bat last in that respective half inning on second base to begin each extra inning.